I'm very excited to go, though! I'm hoping to meet people and just feel the general buzz. I'm going to go down for this shindig on Thursday night:
And then go back Friday morning for the LobbyCon fun...and I'll even go green and take the train each time!
And depending...I might go back on Friday night for a party...even though it's Shabbat.
Why am I going to BlogHer? I think I want to connect and see what's out there. I want to be a part of something that feels really big to me - I know that most people in my "real world" don't always "get" my blogging/online/social media obsession. But I think it will be fun to do it...
So, if you're going to be at BlogHer09, DM me on twitter @imabima - I think that is a more reasonable thing than to put my cellphone number out here on my blog, don't you agree? But if you have my cellphone number, by all means, text me and let me know how and where I can meet you too!
I'll have to let you all know how it goes....
P.S. I'm a little bit nervous! What should I wear!?
Look forward to your reports on BlogHer. Whenever I've done TweetUps locally, I've greatly enjoyed meeting others.
I can relate to others not getting the social media thing.
There's another big (non-blog) conference coming up this fall in Toronto. Any chance we'll have an opportunity to meet there?!
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