Tuesday, August 13, 2013

#blogElul 7: BE

Yesterday's word was "do" and today's is "be."

I have heard the expression, "we are not called 'human doings', we are called 'human beings'."

Is it our actions that define us?
Or is it our very existence?

Is it enough just to BE or do we have to fill that being with meaning and action?
Is our being meaningful enough on its own....

Oh, Elul....

The Jewish month of Elul, which precedes the High Holy Days, is traditionally a time of renewal and reflection. It offers a chance for spiritual preparation for the Days of Awe. It is traditional to begin one’s preparation for the High Holy Days during this month with the Selichot, the prayers of forgiveness. We look to begin the year with a clean slate, starting anew, refreshed. All month, along with others, I'll be blogging a thought or two for each day to help with the month of preparation... I will be blogging here, and sharing #Elulgram photos on the same themes at imabima.tumblr.com. Follow me on twitter @imabima for all the #BlogElul posts, not only mine but others' as well! This year, I'm not doing a linky or anything like that -- I'm conserving energy! So be sure to tag your posts on Twitter and Facebook so I can catch them with my alerts....

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