Monday, May 12, 2008

How to be a 2-year-old (BSM)

To be a proper 2-year-old, you must have an opinion about everything.

Most especially, about the clothing you wear and the accessories that you add into your outfit.

(oh, and everything is "mine"...)

The joys of parenting:-)

See more great shots here!

P.S. Haveil Havalim #165 is up here (this is the Jewish and Israeli blog carnival) and, as usual, it's great! Next week, I'm the host so stay tuned!


Maggie said...

That's great! It is certainly the perfect picture of toddler fashion, in all of its unique-ness!

Vered said...

Cute. :)

You know, I have two kids - 6 and 8 - and although life is so much EASIER now, I sometimes really miss the toddler days.

Maya said...

That is one fashionable outfit!

Anonymous said...

LOL Great outfit!

Robin said...

She's obviously been taking covert fashion lessons from my two - who are old enough to know better LOL.

She's adorable, and getting so BIG, too!

Maude Lynn said...

There is no style like 2 year old style!

Christina said...

Yep, my two year old definitely meets both of those rules! So cute!

Stacy said...

What a stylin' little outfit! LOL! Ah yes, the terrible two's - have you ever seen the toddler rules? I have it posted in a very old post of mine, but it pretty much sums up the way they think. :)

SAHMmy Says said...

So sweet! My son's ensembles are never complete without a hat and his trusty backpack full of...more hats. Your little guy looks quite stylish!

emily said...

I love his choice of footwear!

Megan said...

i adore toddler/preschooler fashion! if we could all be so free!

Anonymous said...

Great choice of clothing! I let my toddler pick her own clothing as well and I love her sense of "style".

Anonymous said...

Cute little boy.

Kara said...

Ookie Monster!! The cut-off 'C' makes me laugh :)

Dawn said...

Cute picture! I can relate to all of those 2-year old characteristics... yikes...

natalie said...

Yep...we're in the throes of the second year, too. I can TOTALLY understand where you are coming from. I should post a picture of what M wore today. That's a great picture!

Jaimee said...

How funny! My 17 month old is just starting to push people away from his things - we are in for the "mine" phase soon too!

kim said...

Great shot - love the outfit. He obviously has an eye for fashion.

Anonymous said...

I love the independent spirit that emerges in two year olds. He's so cute.

Rose said...

I think Harrison has those boots! He LOVES them, they are a big part of his Toddler fashion sense too! Very cute!
Here is another big part of his Toddler fashion sense...