12 spies were all sent
to scout the land of Canaan
one from every tribe.
They came back with grapes,
reports of milk and honey,
and fear of giants.
Caleb calmed them down
"we can do it!" he told them
Josh stood by him too.
It was lack of faith
in God's promise of the Land
and they paid the price:
As a punishment
they would not enter the Land
except Josh and Cay (leb)...
And so they wandered
forty years in wilderness
Shabbat Shalom!
See more haikus here....
You always amaze me with your haikus. Great job!
Yay -- I LOVE that you included the Gefen logo which CLEARLY is based on this week's parasha.
You are awesome!!!
Thanks for visiting me, you poet you!
"As a punishment
they would not enter the Land"
I always felt it was a sad story of a harsh punishment.
my friend's daughter's bat mitzvah is this week ... i will share this with her! (might have made an interesting speech....lol)
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